The Editorial Board welcomes articles in all areas of law and jurisprudence that fall within the purview of the Journal. Preference will however be given to informed articles which deal with topical issues and shed some light on rather complex issues of international law and jurisprudence, particularly fine points which cross more than one discipline but must be of contemporary appeal in law and policy. The writing style should be, lucid and well-focused but in line with either Nigerian Association of Law Teachers referencing style (NALT) or Oxford University Referencing style (OSCOLA) both of which can be downloaded free
The Editorial Board will consider articles, book reviews and comments, which comply with the following:
a) An original unpublished work, which has not been submitted for publication elsewhere,
b) Article with proper referencing,
c) Times Roman with font 12 main body and 10-point footnotes with one and half line spacing,
d) Abstract of not more than 300 words with maximum of five key words
e) Makes contribution to knowledge,
f) Appears chronological and logical with proper numbering,
g) With proper heads and subheads with no more than three subheads.
All completed copies should be emailed to the Editorial Board